
August 8, 2011

Primed and (not) Painted Cabinet

The progress is slow, but hey, it's progress.  We've had a few interruptions (trip to Savannah, our one year anniversary) that have prevented more from being done on the bathroom, however I foresee the ability to conclude this project in the very near future.

So far, we have primed the cabinet.

What?  Yes, I know that's not a whole lot of movement from our last update, but the dang thing took 3!! coats of primer.  

Here is what we are starting with (forgive messy work-in-progress clutter):

And since you've never seen the other side of the room, here it is, bath on the left and shower on the right:

And our supplies for the 'HOW TO PAINT A LAMINATE CABINET' Adventure are:

 - Primer and/or Primer and Paint in One (BEHR Thorny Branch S-H-780)
 - Paint bucket

 - Paint Tray
 - Trim Roller
 - Sandpaper
 - Screwdriver
 - Painter's Tape (if needed)
 - Craft Brush (for the hard to reach details)
 - Paper Towel (for drips)
 - Beverage (in my case, being good and having water)
 - New hardware (if needed)

Step 1:  Remove existing hardware  
(optional: ponder using existing hardware, since its actually kinda nice)

Step 2: Sand panels and trim

Step 3: Prime cabinets (1st coat) AKA Realize you forgot where you packed your trim brush and prime with a craft brush that causes step 3 to take 2 hours.

During this step, your goal is a nice even light coat.  You are essentially looking to build a base for your paint to adhere to.  It will look streaky, don't worry about it, that's sorta what you want.

Step 4: Repeat Step 3 for the 2nd and 3rd coats (if necessary)

After you have finished the 2nd or 3rd coat, and have a pretty even base of coverage, let the paint dry overnight to cure.  Try to not get caught up in the day-to-day of life and unnecessarily have the paint cure for 7 days (I'll finish it sooner or later).

So here is where we are right now.  An even coat of the primer.  Next up, will be the dark Thorny Branch as a final coat.  Hopefully only one final coat.  *cross you fingers

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